The Murder of Chin
Creek Chin
by Hank Vogler
To every hunter in the state of Nevada that ever put in for a tag. My
sincere apology for causing the cold blooded murder of Chin Creek Chin.
Several years ago a wild big horn ram showed up on the Antelope Range in
Eastern Nevada. He would hang with my , dare I say, domestic sheep. He
was a lonely guy. Maybe lost his way on his walk about. Yet when in the
area of my sheep. Mr. Chin would run down the hill to eat selenium salt
and see if he could find a domestic ewe for a date. He even lost his
fear of the guard dogs. Other than salt he never got anything else. Now
several years later, with Mr. Chin raised to legend status, I made the
horrible mistake of telling an NDOW employee of his existence. Several
low level biologists knew of his existence but took no action. My
mistake was to tell a person higher in the pecking order of NDOW of Mr.
Chin's location and demeanor. The original reason for my conversation
with this NDOW employee was a referral from another NDOW employee whom I
had contacted about my problem with attaining a land owner compensation
tag for private land. I have removed pinion and juniper from over four
hundred acres of private land and plan to clear another four hundred
acres, funds and time as the only restriction. My angst was that no
matter how hard I worked to improve the habitat for wildlife, my credit
for the tag kept getting closer to not getting a tag. I thought it was
an incentive tag for improvements on private land. I guess as a domestic
sheep owner that makes me NDOW enemy number one. How embarrassing to
have a wild sheep mingle with domestic sheep and not die instantly as
the pseudo-science seems to suggest. My answering machine on July 27
had a call from the NDOW employee that I thought, as he had indicated,
common ground could exist. It was after five. I returned the call
stating that I was on my way to Canada, ironically to harvest a Stone
Sheep, And that my return would be August 17, 2009.
My good fortune was
to return early with a beautiful ram taken. Only to find out that in my
absence, after years of co-existence Mr. Chin quite miraculously
contacted some domestic sheep disease and showed such ill health that
his murder was paramount to saving the rest of the wild sheep in the
state. In his delirium Mr. Chin might have walked fifteen miles off the
Mountain, crossed Antelope Valley, Jumped a half dozen fences. Climbed
through the Red Hills. Crossed Spring Valley near the Summit Seeding.
Climbed twelve thousand feet up Mt. Moriah and killed his fellow wild
sheep. HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No boys and girls this was a political
assassination. If the word were to get around that with a little
management wild and domestic sheep pose little threat to each other.
This would kill the legends and the myths that never the twain should
mix. It rallies the troops and brings in mega dollars for the
perpetuation of a pack of lies. BUT, without the myth, no money would
flow to the coffers for studies and purchases of sheep permits. A new
enemy would be needed. The results from autopsy indicate good clean
lungs. A leis ion or two from host specific lung Worms. A nose bot or
two; but as of now , Mr. Chin died of a gun shot wound. Administered by
his so-called caretakers. Rise up fellow hunters. NDOW has taken some
sort of a detour into a politically correct parallel Universe. In the
last twenty five years I have witnessed the carnage of wildlife by
predators. Predators predators predators, are one thousand times more
damaging to the wildlife of this state than the last twelve sheep men in
the state. Rise up hunters and take back our wildlife. We either hang
together or we will all hang individually as Patrick Henry once said.
Hank Vogler
Hank Vogler sits on the State of Nevada Board of
Agriculture, he is a lifetime rancher, sheepherder, is considered one of
the foremost Sheep Husbandry experts in the State of Nevada, and once
made Baxter Black laugh. |