Scott Raine on hunting, wildlife, and conservation

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The Scott Raine Web
The purpose of this Web site is to showcase ideas about hunting, wildlife, and enlightened conservation.  We encourage you to ask questions and send us your information and opinions.  If we feel that your input is of general interest, we will post your letters and photos.  Not all opinions shown here are the opinions of Scott Raine and his publishers.

Wildlife Management Priorities in Nevada

Is the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) on the right track in dealing with the most pressing issues of today?  Right now there are many vital issues that we have been facing that are vastly detrimental to our wildlife, and the people of this State.  An incomplete list of some of the most vital issues are:

  •     Mule Deer Population - How to restore it.  Does NDOW have a viable plan?  Population goals.

  •     Wildfires - suppression vs. prevention / mitigation methods of reducing danger and spread of fires while enhancing wildlife 

  •     Predation - who or what should be harvesting our big game animals?  All big game will perish, we only get to choose how.  Human harvest, predation, old-age, disease, starvation.  How and in what balance of ways should they perish?  Is it more sensible management to allow predators to consume the vast majority of our wildlife, or should they be controlled, and to what degree.

  •     Ranching - Effects of well managed grazing, water development, benefits and risks to wildlife, secondary effects of predation, land access.  Use of grazing as fire control.  Effects of introduced wild species on ranchers.  What would happen to wildlife if ranching declined further?  Is grazing good for wildlife?  How and why?

  •     Bighorn Sheep, Pronghorn Antelope, Mountain Goat, Elk - Population goals, and NDOW plans to achieve them.

  •     Fish - Priorities on species and densities, hatcheries, contract vs. in-house fish production.

  •     Habitat - Human effects on habitat, cost effective restoration?  Water limitations due to being the driest State in the nation.  Planting of native vs. fire resistant non-native vegetation.

  •     Hunting rules / regulations / policies - Fair?  Balanced?  Biased?  Hunter Friendly?  Have a better idea? 

 This site is always open to your views on wildlife management.  The wide variety of inputs into the Nevada Wildlife Commission -Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW)- have developed the current set of policies.  The current policies are far from perfect, and in need of revision.  Your input is requested, and appreciated.

    We are always open to a better idea.

Nevada Desert Bighorn Sheep
photos courtesy of Deon Reynolds

    Below are several articles and submissions to this site.

Fall 2013
Steel's mule deer buck 2013  Scott's bull elk 2013
Steel Raine Mule Deer Scott Raine Nevada Bull Elk
Jack rabbit hunting
Jack rabbit hunting

Fall 2012 - Steel Raine - First Mule Deer

2012 mule deer buck 

Fall 2011 - Mule Deer

Fall 2010


Helicopter Survey

Fall 2009

I did not receive a deer tag in 2009, but enjoy donating my time to enthusiastic young hunters that receive the youth tags.  I was fortunate to help two youth-tag hunters find nice bucks this year. 

Jose Gomes, Elko, NV
First deer - 10/31/09

Raquel Breen,
Reno, NV (left)

youth tag - first deer


Storm, fishing 2009
Storm Raine, fishing 2009

Diamond Mt. Deer Survey 2009
Diamond Air Survey 19 Nov, 2009


My antelope for 2008.  With me are my three sons - future sportsmen, the future of hunting.
Antelope hunting 2008

2008 mule deer buck

2008 NDOW Elk survey
White elk spotted - see right photo

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Contact Information:

Scott Raine
PO Box 812
Eureka, Nevada 89316


Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 by Scott Raine
All Rights Reserved